Screening is using one unit between a ranged enemy unit and your own, to grant the unit in the back -2 from that enemy's shooting and thereby...
I find it great vs fast units keeping out of his charge arc. At least he can pick off some!
I agree, I don't usually run a regular steg if I can't run an ancient. I know I like running stegs though. They are fun hammers that, as long as...
Thanks for the support ya'll. I will work on it and not be a plastic playing n00b.
I prefer HW but spears have their use in larger blocks against weaker infantry where parry isn't as big a deal.
Needs dedicated war machine hunters. Or else those TG and Chakax will be murdered before reaching combat. Would do well with Cupped Hands on the...
I've had positive results with my razordons. The lack of penalties to hit make them consistent against all but skirmishers, and I've used them to...
No penalty for multiple shots iirc. But move yes, range I dunno. Likely. So move and shoot at something within 12" but out of 6" is -2. Can't...
Hey, I've been putzing here for a little while but I never introduced myself. I'm a player from Sacramento, CA, only army is Lizzies. I also play...
Mobile Skink+ krox crew with stone thrower or bolt thrower. They aim, his muscles do the work. Like our other "artillery" the Sally and razordon....
I like heavens. One thing I've noticed is since no one knows it well, people only know to dispel Comet, and the rest is kind of "what else is...
Warmachines; oh what I would do for a real war machine! :walkingdead:
Hmmm. The EotG can give a 5+ ward vs all those arrows. And nuke them as well after the charge. Undead aren't fans of that part of the engine....
I usually fill lord with Slann, heroes an EotG and a scroll, rod caddy. Then scores of skinks and saurus, maybe another steg, and dot the i's and...
Hmmm, from my limited experience with them, to get you started, you'll need redirectors. Those skinks as skirmishers, maybe 6-8 as chameleons,...
Before combat the only spells to cast are Curse and Amber Spear, maybe Flock if you have redirectors to kill. 6-7 dice Savage Beast to miscast to...
What lore will you be using? This one screams Life, but I'd be pleasantly surprised to have Light or Shadow, even Beasts. With those Characters...
Can't fly; he's not technically on foot. :rolleyes: I give the divine plaque of protection, ethereal, maybe the magic resistance item, or crown...
All leadership tests. Period.