It's in the tzeentch battletome, means you roll attacks for one model and then multiply that by the number of models in the unit. It makes the...
Against Ironjaws, if you do really want to bring Kroak keep him off the balewind and give them a chance at least to get to him. Try bubble wrap...
Yeah against anything that's going to try table you turn 1 you'll have a rough time. I would suggest try get Kroak behind or in a big piece of...
Hey, I know a few people are running Thunderkroak lists at the minute. You'll have some issues with hero and model count in some objectives but it...
I was talking about this the other day. I had said to teleport an eternity warden on top of the balewind with Kroak to eat some of the wounds from...
The balewind lifts you outside of the 3" range of arcane scenery if it is flat and you are going straight up. But if there is a tower or raised...
Just a heads up but you only get 1 artefact in a list then 1 more for each battalion you have. Also shadowstrike with only 1 unit of rippers is a...
I haven't tried the vanguard raptors but I have used a unit of judicators with my alliance pool before. They worked well, the extra few inches...
I think this is the way it makes most sense, otherwise buffing charge and hit rolls and then charging outside of the 8" bubble would make the...
I had read it to mean they roll 1 dice like normal for their battle shock. But the blood roar almost works to punish them for saving the battle...
Hi Darren, thanks for sharing was a great read. What was the ruling on placing the Toad for the rippers in the tournament? I was under the...
Thanks for the write ups folks, its good to see how other players would go about dealing with something like this. It's just like what Canas...
Hi everyone, I want to start by saying I don't have Kroak, he's next on the list, can't wait to get him up on a balewind :-) Until then though...
Sorry if this has been asked somewhere else on the forum but how can you take the Hurricanum and also use Saurus Guard as part of your battleline?...
Hi, When I read it back I noticed I misworded the +1 to save. I meant the chameleon skinks would lose +1 from their 3up for being in cover and...
Hi, I'm new to everything Warhammer and this site has been so helpful in getting up to speed. I love the lore and look of Seraphon and have went...