Yeah, this is taking a long time. Last time it took awhile but this is a lot longer than I had anticipated. I'm hesitant to use Chessex the next...
Are the L-O suggestions being considered? Is anyone from 9th age asking for our input or are they just doing what they're doing? Forgive me if...
This makes me sad :(
EVERYONE!!! I'm alive! lol. The verdict is... Chessex has been swamped with orders apparently. I was told over the phone that they are going to...
Hmm, there isn't one that I know of. @n810 is pretty good at digging up that old stuff though. Why don't you post a pic of what you have? We can...
Just like AoS!! Baseless models would be superior, but it's nice to have them expressed :D Great job keeping this as a civil argument everyone.
@snikrit I did order some spares, but I'll wait until after I send out the main orders to track down people who want spares. I can add you to the...
Sorry for my absence everyone. I'll poke the great beast of Chessex and get an answer for everyone. Thanks for the patience! We should be very...
I'm hesitant to agree with the email responses. I'd much prefer a FAQ than an email response to one person. It's not really GWs style to actually...
Sorry for my absence! Due to the limited entries... EVERYONE WINS! I had a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes picked out, so adding in a 4th place...
Pre measuring is new to the game! You can't pre measure with a real life cannon, you know?
WHFB Devastators, lol. Also Judicators already exist with Privateer Press models. [img]
More like Slan-PUN-tin
Very good research! I wouldn't doubt this is where they got the inspiration from. GW used to do quite a bit of research on their fluff to find...
It's been like 70+ degrees up here! Especially in Southeast AK! Haha.
I think the resounding theme with all the games I've seen reports of is basically summed up with your main points. Pros: Fast, Fun, Easy. Cons:...
I'll have to see how other forums do it. I know the Golden Bat from the VC forums does categories like that based on the painter's own perceived...
Cause everyone on here <3's lizards! Less changes the better for the first submittal, I say. Address the big problems and we can fine-tune the...
That means all the other monsters need to get redone then, haha.
I personally think there are too many point reductions in the LM army. I've never had the feeling that we are being outclassed by other armies so...