Finally finished cruising through this whole thread. Tons of great ideas scattered about! Are we consolidating these anywhere? The only things I...
Yes, vote! This is open for the whole forum! I think the next time we'll let the entry period run a little longer so we can have more people...
Here it is! Remember to click on the pics for a larger version. Entries for Quadrilaterals 4EVER! Alvarez Chief of Itza by @ASSASSIN_NR_1...
Patience young ones. And yeah, not a ton of entries. But enough for glory!!!
Last call for entries!
Production is starting this week!
I appreciate that WHFB is getting some love. Customizing units/characters/armies was always a huge part for me. Looking forward to it!
That's always the problem with making a comic book into a movie. There is already an established fan base that knows what they want to expect. One...
Welcome to L-O! Glad to see that AoS has herded you into the lizardly fold. Feel free to post any questions you might have about the game or...
Inflation is the real reason that we get a new "record-breaker" every year. It'd be interesting to scale the Jurassic World 2015 numbers to those...
Welcome to L-O! Nice to see another 40K Lizardmen list popping up. We have another user currently working on a similar system. It's be interesting...
Keep it friendly please, my fellow lizards.
@Lord Grok Of Xillaqua Responded to you in a PM.
Hmm, interesting issues. Let's make @The Red Devil aware of this. Not many entries yet! Odds are looking pretty good for anyone who has already...
Lovely work! Everyone without them is jealous, lol.
Interesting find. At first I though it was the alternate to the mounted Scar-Vet, but it's definitely not. @n810 has the best guess. Maybe it was...
Also, @Craken. Welcome back! Long time no see.
Submitting payment this week! Whoohoo! Good job everyone.
I like these rules. They aren't quite what we had in 8th but they are better (IMO) than the stuff we got for AoS. They could easily be built up...
I'll take him for a walk. I'm a Skink Chief now you know.