Well, i'm told it's a game of random luck and dice rolls, but it's not. I can call the my slann with do one of two things, 1. fail to case the...
So your saying that their is no army that fits my play style? :(
Problem with high elves is GW don't do the mounted archers anymore, but have then in the book (Lame). And i'm horrible at converting and/or modeling.
True, but i like my ranged units, archers and mounted archers, and a core of fast lightly armoured cheap but still hard hitting troops. Thats how...
Well, fast core with archers (on foot and mounted) with a super tough (high toughness and good saves) Elite units.
Just frustrated cause LM was not my first choice, not GW staff said that i would not like that army (O&G) and i'd like LM more as the troops are...
Well...i tried, and got smashed aside again, two games, one against WOC and another against Ogres and...got tabled before i could make a SINGLE...
Thanks for all the input, guys. Just had a game with a friend and his dwarfs, ended up as a draw as the VP was only 80 difference (1250p game). I...
While I do like the look of other armies, at my local GW store, I'm not allowed to look through the books unless I'm going to buy it. It's a thing...
Thanks for input. I'm making the most of what I own at the moment. I have 2 Skink priests, a carnisuar, 8 cold one riders, 32 skinks, 30 saurus...
New list, please comment and advise: Lords and Heroes Oldblood on Cold One (Fencer's Blades, Armour of Destiny) 0+ Armour (or 1+ up if i was...
The scar vat? Failed most of his charges, the carnisaur failed to wound anything in the whole campaign. And got one shot cause Int test or die....
Thankyou for your comments. I'm just mythed as I following the advice, and it seemed to help my foe. Example: A unit of Bonecrushers fail their...
Thank for all that helped, so, played the champaign. And I am not enjoying Lizards at all. Here is why. 1. Everyone and their dog seem to have...
Thanks, so, with the list I'm using (I have to use that list, no changing of units, characters, equipment or even magic lore), how should I use my...
Thanks, and what spells do I want for beasts? As I'm locked with that one too.
So, getting around to his flanks and rear someone pointed out, thanks to you, GreatBread. Magic will be hard but doable, so... Anything else i...
From what I've seen, he runs 3 Juggernauts (Big mechanic bull like things) A general on one to. A chariot pulled by a similar looking beastie. And...
If it helps, I know I'm going against Ogres, Night Goblins, Dwarves, Wood Elves (GW staff member), possibly Scaven and Dark Elves and less chance...
Hello everyone, I am reaching out to everyone and anyone for advice and tactics. I'm new to fantasy and just splashed out £200 on awesome dinos...