And now onto the Unmitigated Disaster Squad a.k.a my CO riders I learned two valuable lessons from this, A) it helps to have a color scheme in...
Okay actually updating this thread because since its posting the Saurus, CO riders and Skinks have been finished. Gonna do three posts so its not...
Someone said Peach and Bowser was like ask and he shall recieve! the reaper bones minis really seem to be pretty good!
Your army is looking exceptional Bracnos! I like using the more natural colors too (my army is black and deep green) but loving the glossy crystal...
But in all seriousness, I think regardless of what flaws Bob has pointed out I think I will still pick it up to definitely have. I mean bad art...
I come into a thread reading a review then I come out of the thread reading about Bananas
Ah damn! I mean that whole movie is a classic but I basically lost it at the end when all the people who had been were sheep were huddled in a...
Black Sheep is a treasure of a movie that I am proud to own and I recommend it to any one. but hyenas those jumpscare set ups are guaranteed to...
Do you live now Bob? World gonna be alright? Good morning thing to know about theUK bit I am part of an international book club deal and I am...
A lot of horror movies really benefit from having some thriller elements placed in them. Its like with some Japanese and Asian horror movies, as...
Definitely going to show this army to my boyfriend. He will get a great laugh out of it, it's really awesome and clever Bowser! Keep up the good...
Many congrats! You'll both do great jobs as always
I so rarely just see the word torture on its own in regards to horror movies that I usually just go ahead and and call it torture porn without...
I like it how it gets closer and closer @NIGHTBRINGER seems to be getting increasingly excited. No word yet on whether or not he will explode...
Thank you @spawning of Bob for such a timely artistic response. But so glad you liked Crimson Peak! It got a lot of flack since a lot of people...
I heard someone say Horror Movies. Horror is very much a favorite of mine, my mom had me watch Alien and Se7en when I was 11 because she thought...
Wait so Days of Terror wasn't weird dream collab we all had?
But my t-shirt says the dark side has bacon!
You know with what Disney has done with Marvel movies bad ones seem to be the outlier now so I reallllyy doubt Jar Jar Abrahms can afford to frick...