Hey all, I just ordered the one-click lizardmen bundle from GW and am wondering if anyone has had any experience using the troglodon yet. I'm...
Actually, Raithial, the very fact that what you just described is VERY magic dependant it makes it less effective versus an ogre deathstar. Please...
Actually, in the BRB it clearly states that ANY direct damage spell.. template or not.. must target a unit. Thats why Pit of Shades can be stopped...
I've always felt that Birona's timewarp has the best return when your TG are locked into CC. Since the Slann usually takes up most of the second...
Glad to have been help for you and your friend. Happy gaming!
Naw, not as hard as you might think actually. Send Chamo skinks after one of the warplightning cannons and if anything distract it. Get a...
Slaves aren't trying to win, they are trying to set you up to lose... if that makes sense. The unit locks into you from the front which can allow...
Sometimes the simpliest answer is the best answer. Teclis is a magic machine.. he pumps out spells like nothing and dispells like a beast. BUT,...
Also, the screaming bell isn't all that scary. You can target it out of the unit pushing it and drill it with skink shooting. Most Skaven players...
Sure, I actually recently played a 1000 point game with my Skaven versus Ogre Kingdoms and this is the list I used. General: Warlord - Warlitter,...
My bad, well spotted
I'll say congratulations on your win.. but it kinda looks like your friend uses his high rolls as a crutch. His deployment isn't very good and the...
I've played tons of games and taken becalming cogitation nearly every time. If your Slann is in a TG bunker that is when it is the best time to...
Wow, fielding two Slann? I guess with double focused rumination you'd have a chance throwing out plenty of spells.. and as mentioned above lore of...
Yes, as mentioned above, most of us seem to agree that the only two disciplines worth having on a TG bunkered Slann are Focused Rumination and...
I know this is a little late, but I was out of town for a few days. pg. 93 of the BRB, bottom of the page where "Look Out Sir" is detailed. "If...
As far as I've seen the carnosaur is kind of like the screaming bell. At one point in time enemy players would groan if you even pulled out the...
Dwellers is awesome for rocking faces off against anything with a normal stat line. As I've brought up in the vs. VC thread I've actually devised...
I have to disagree on stegadons against VC. Leadership of 6 means they are gonna get torn to shreds by the VC screams/howls. So unless you mount a...
They may have good stats, but if you take bane head on a lore of death slann and nominate their big nasty vampire lord then even if you only get...