Actually.. holy hell, Bane head + Lore of Death is insane.. *starts building a list immediately based around this*
Go lord for lord? Field a minimum cost Slann and take an old blood on foot and give him piranha blade and bane head. Nominate the vampire lord as...
Oops, sorry about that mix up with the armor. Just downgrade it to armor of fortune instead. Thats still 3+ AS, 5+ ward with enough points for...
Unlike most of my posts I shall keep this short and sweet. Does killing blow count as a magical attack? No, attacks must specifically state they...
I thought these forums were practically built on theorycrafting and personal experience. And not every area of the world has a highly competitive...
phew, ok.. good stuff. Having a level 2 on foot works just fine.. cube is a great call for the first phase.
woah.. nowhere in there did I notice you mention any magic user in that list. If that isn't the case then ignore this post, but if it is the case...
Call me crazy, but I usually slap my BSB on my Slann and have him in a nice deep bunker usually near the center of my line. If I were to put my...
Welcome to the boards exwhyzero! That build looks fairly solid, I would just add some tweaks for my own reasons. Armor of Destiny over Gamblers...
congratulations on your victory! As much as I hate to be a traitor to my fellow rats... wait, no, we betray each other all the time.. more...
Same rule, except even easier since the skaven have smaller bases. Salamander templates and Dwellers Below (except plague monks have only S3 so...
Were it me I'd try to widdle down the unit before ever locking into it. Allow me to math hammer. A horde of 40 WoC all have 4 strength. Dwellers...
Does your local tournament spot require you to stick to one lore of magic through the entire tournament? Or can you change lores at the start of...
In addition, on the topic of lores, both are viable. Lore of Life is the easiest to use, Lore of Light requires a little more planning and...
I'll add on to erians' comment and say that it would be helpful if you know what kinds of units these guys are prone to bringing. Like do they run...
That army list looks fine by my standards. Becalming Cogitation and Focused Rumination never disappoint and are my staple combo on any Slann. I...
Sorry if I was unclear, though those were two different sentences. I was saying lore of life is good to prevent miscasts so cupped hands isn't...
Correct, you can only have 1 arcane item per hero/lord and I usually put them in this order for my Slann #1 Plaque of Tepok: An extra spell in...
I've actually found the Vermin lord to be lack luster in 8th edition. He can't be the army general, he can't join a unit, and he only has a 5+...
double doomwheel and not double abomination? You're lucky your brother likes to play nice lol. Now, people on these forums will nearly always...