I've also heard many a rumor now that Warriors of Chaos might be the next army book released. Even though I've started collecting them I fully...
I have heard of people dropping iron curse icon on the skink priest with some success. 6+ ward save against warmachines isn't gonna make the big...
Oh, forgot to mention that their only true anvil unit relies of regeneration saves. Banner of eternal flame on saurus blow them away with ease....
Banner of eternal flame on a big block of saurus warriors with a lore of life slann backing it up. Banner brings magic attacks to the unit so...
For me it isn't a case of #1 and #2.. for me Lizzies and Skaven are tied for my favorite armies. Lizzies are an excellent army with some of the...
Indeed, I will NEVER talk crap about skink shooting, it is amazing. However, shooting at prime targets and shooting at a brick wall are two...
Actually, Magician.. you've just brought up an excellent idea. Having the slann and his TG walking right up along side the saurus block then doing...
You have to remember, that even if that death star is full up iron guts that is only 800-1000 of their points. That means in a standard 1750 RTT...
Ahh yes, though that is typical of any time a wizard loses a level that is definitely an important distinction to make. Thank you Arli.
Also, yes, Momus is correct. If you throw all your skinks at the death star then expect to get clobbered by a rampaging thundertusk or shot to...
Ok, Ejpok, let me see if I can explain this once more. The lore of death has spell that cause automatic hits (usually d6 or 2d6 minus S or T) The...
Actually Ejpok, straight from the BSB FAQ.. Q: Do ranged direct damage spells that use a template have to target an enemy unit? (p31) A: Yes, the...
Naw, there are few things in this world more satisfying than picking apart someone's "flawless" offense/defense. I have always been a huge...
So, it is your philosophy to get within 24 inches in order to use becalming and just do your best to shut down the auto hit spells? I've done...
So, yeah.. Ogre death star toting a Rune Maw.. how do YOU deal with the bull shittery? For those of you not in the know, an ogre death star is a...
Another fantastic thing to do with the EotG is if you ever decide to play with an oldblood on a carnosaur. Not only does the EotG help pick up the...
pg. 89 of the BSB "If a model carries a special close combat weapon, he must fight with it in the Close Combat phase - he cannot elect to wield...
Hey there my fine friends, I have been wondering when you guys believe it is a good time to whip out the nasty smashy old blood on carnosaur? What...
Lore of Life is your friend. Get rid of the nasty miscasting (most of the time) and regenerate fallen friends even if you do. Being able to put a...
good info, but some back information is needed. Myself and the Ogres player have made a pact.. he won't lore of death/greedy fist me.. and I...