1500+ = always take a Slann Your current list doesn't contain a single spell caster. That means giving up an entire phase. at 1500 points you can...
So yeah, title says it all.. going against an Ogre Kingdoms army tomorrow and wondering about my list. Slaan, rumination, becalming, plaque of...
Well spotted on my brainfart in that post. Yes, you would only be using the generals raw leadership and augmenting it by the number of ranks in...
Then, I hate to say it, but your friend isn't playing skaven to their strengths. In 8th edition my skaven are 10 wins, 0 losses, and I even have...
Oh, forgot to add about hammers.. Good: Skrox Better: CoC Best: Stegadon In low points Skrox will work just fine but anything past 1500 they are...
I'll toss in my two cents about hammer/anvil units. Lore of Life, Lore of Light, and Lore of Shadows ALL make Saurus Warriors shine. Concerned...
Having just come off a weekend of gaming and using skrox it is, in my opinion, the magic numbers to field hammer units of 18-19 skinks and 2...
Due to the "Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide" rule I'm very hesitant to take a cowboy. If a challenge is declare against him he HAS to answer it....
As an experienced Skaven player allow me to toss in my two cents. funneling doesn't work. Most skaven players don't play hordes as they benefit...
Any other input would be great. Playing this weekend and would love to hear back about opinions.
I'm aware of how to use hammer units.. but things can still strike back against things on their flank. Imagine, if you will, running a skrox unit...
Hello again my friendly disciples of Lord Kroak! Up until this point in my warhammer history I have never taken CoC due to the sizable cost of...
The main person I face plays an Ogre Kingdoms army almost exclusively. So allow me to impart just a little helpful advice. Lore of Life is...
1. Two reasons actually. First if something DOES manage to break past your lines and head straight for your Slaan they will have one hell of a...
Well said and well spotted on skirmish. My bad for poor advice on that front. Though yes, skink skirmishers shine as harassers and redirectors...
1. The Slaan is still in the unit that is in close combat.. however, close combat doesn't prevent the casting of magic it simply impedes the use...
I shall post to you the list I used to utterly trounce Ogre Kingdoms and O&G this weekend. Slaan w/ Lore of Life Focused Rumination Becalming...
I love the way you have your Slaan, Rumination and Becalming are staples for me in any game of 1500 or more, though I usually also take Plaque of...
I like how the priest is outfitted, so cheers there. I will, however, point out that the skink priest does not have the skirmish special rule...
I'm a big proponent of "if you can afford it, always take a slaan" rule. I'm also a supporter of the "if you can afford it, always take 20+ saurus...