Just this weekend I fielded a Slaan Mage-priest in three 1500 point games and utterly wrecked Ogres twice and Orcs and Goblins once, continuing my...
So, took on the ogres and the orcs with a modified list, as follows. Slaan Focused Rumination, Becalming Cogitation, Plaque of Tepok, BSB Saurus...
Salamanders.. always salamanders. The only thing Salamanders don't shine against are Monstrous Infantry and even then they are just sub-par.. not...
I hesitate to take more skinks in the skrox unit because if are meant as a flank charging hammer unit. If they DO get caught up in head to head...
Ok, here is the revised list. Had to do a little juggling, gained an extra saurus and made him a champion (do answer and issue challenges to...
Thanks for the reply and the tactical call of putting the scar-vet in with the temple guard, hadn't even considered challenges. As for the skinks...
Any help at all would be most helpful.. even just a "That looks good" or "Skrox suck at low points" or something. I haven't played Lizardmen in...
I would also mention that when decking out your slaan in this few of points that plaque of tepok should be #1 on your list with focused rumination...
Oh, also, suggestions on Lores versus those two armies would be excellent. I was thinking life versus ogres and death versus orcs and goblins (for...
IIRC you aren't supposed to post point totals for units. That aside, Skink Skirmishers have to be fielded in units of 10-20 so you can't use the...
Hey there, myself and my friends are running our own miniature tournament and right now the two big contenders I'll be facing are Ogre Kingdoms,...