What? I get that they can snipe our heroes but they really arnt that bad to face off against in magic since ya know our slanns and kroak are you...
I wholeheartedly yet begrudgingly agree to an extent. Bare minimum IMHO for regular saurus they need at a minimum of an extra wound. And for if...
That would probably be the worst decision to make ever in regards to skinks if we are being honest. The point isn't to make them more potent for...
Why does unit size ever get brought up? In current state it doesn't matter if you half it at all. Skinks cost the same. In order to properly...
For real though. Elves are boring as shit to read about as it is. I'm glad belakor is getting some good shit coming up and honestly I can't wait...
I use 2 dreads and about 110 skinks
Or scaly skin could make it -1 to hit for everything could be a decent point to bring up on coalesed since gw dropped the ball when they faqd...
I got those cards they're hilarious
Did anyone mention that you can just nuke the Pallas with your slann/kroak? I guess I fail to find people flanking to be an issue with my...
Did somebody say onlyslanns?
Hi my jaws are -2 rend as well. I have never been ok with it. Gimme my -3 like I should have
Just a fact I'd like to point out. There is no right way to play this game. Table top experience or not. Op as fuck army or some amalgam of like 4...
You will be swimming in cp. Spend the damn token on making them pass
Problem not enough mindless charging. Solution. More carnosaurs
Ain't that the truth of it
I guess my argument against you would be it depends on the army you're playing as vs seraphon. I run the bloodthirster bonanza BOK vs a lot of...
Man I hope its just a funny new scenic model
Limiting the number a pack of skinks can have, means nothing as you can just add another pack for the same cost... in regards to the statement to...