Ignorable if you have cp to use realm of ghur to fight at the top bracket. But God damnit give me a better hit and rend characteristic on my bite.
I too would like more things to go with my massive cost give me a howdah with skinks God damnit
The trog is gonna probably get a spike of love from the community for a few months before people go try other things.
God I love those derpy fucks
Lemme know something. What do you mean monstrous damage?
Counterstatement. We(buyers and readers) literally fund them. They can do to listen here and there no? It's really hard to say we're ungrateful...
reasons that make sense usually tend to keep detractors away so ill be the guy. why not? why not bombard them with negative feedback over a rule...
i mean im still gonna buy the model. but im probably not gonna use it much to be frank
Man I was excited to get fly for free on a dread but that trolltastic mwah
Damn straight nothing but a gamble but damnit is it satisfying
A bloodthirster of insensate rage hitting all 6s to proc outrageous carnage an absurd amount of times. Myself.
Yeah don't remind me of how exquisitely mediocre lizardmen were in whfb
My army literally hard counters him with my sea of skinks
Their current niche of being extra wounds for a slann is a viable use of them though rather stupid to be frank. They're supposed to be the best of...
Killer whales would like to know your location xD
my strategy for carcharodons hasnt changed much with the teleporter termie ball of death with tyberos
Ok lads Tldr because I don't want to copy and paste my ebook on this Skrolk killed grymloq with his corrupted censor. Kroq gar got understandably...
Made the game more enjoyable for people who like melee armies
I would kill to get the specs for a 3d printer to get my own proxigors of the lost kingdoms
you can build seraphon any way you want to build and still have a viable chance at winning in a straight up battle. i had a game of nothing but...