Well belakor has a set of decent rules and fucks everything in reach I'd hazard they're gonna do well with kroak (claws crossed)
No I'm not sure if gotrek can be taken with a seraphon army. Because I don't know if he falls in the order faction
I'm not 100% certain on this but if you're right I'd like to try out my gotty as an ally to take with my army. I'll drop a few skinks to pay for...
I will say this belakors dark master rule is the biggest cockblock to anything I enjoy
Really belakor? You're scared of grombindal? You just took the fight to all the realms and destroyed the realm gates yet a fucking dwarf with a...
Not really something I'd run tbh I feel the thunderquake is a better sub overall though I'd hazard it would be easier to run this new one out
Throw more bodies at them than they throw at you I gotcha
Kroak taught Teclis's ancestors.... I think teclis is still catching up. In fact I think it's the starbourne that worship kroak and raised him to...
"Mag la roksorr sssiiiyy OUHHH dah" -Kroak
Literally the entire reason why his new warscroll should be even more magically absurd than teclis and nagash ever could be
I prefer Matt off of miniwargamings philosophy. It's a game. It's meant to be fun. So focus on the fun and accept what you cannot change. Makes...
I can see it. Seraphons answer to vorgorath and skalok except with more magic control
Fuck man it would be lit if kroak was on that gargantuan
I also can actually buy him now instead of proxying my slann
Well I guess kroak is a God now then huh with that bitchin new model
A lot of people in this forum have vastly differing playstyles that are hard to take too much useful information from. Positioning is useful yes....
So can I swipe the data from ya to print myself that beautiful lad? :D
I'm assuming you took the kroxigor from lost kingdoms.