My my your quetz basically would be perfect for my idea of tiktakto on page 1. I see you have some lost kingdom minis. They're sick as fuck and I...
Lord kroak is the first relic priest he died in the great catastrophe but his spirit refuses to be in the afterlife
Alter of sotek 50 Terrain piece When a unit is slain within 12" of this this alter you gain a blood sacrifice You may redeem the blood sacrifice...
Where is Sud? I wanna see his thunderlizard warscroll again
Horned one knight 60 M 10 W 3 B 9 SV 4+ You may have up to 6 in a pack Weapon options *Free Celestite Club attacks 4 4+ 4+ -1 1 10 pts Celestite...
Ancient razordon 130 M 10 W 10 B 7 SV 4+ Ranged Amaxon barbs range 14" 5 shots 4+ 3+ -1 2 Melee Great barbed tail 3 attacks 4+ 3+ -1 2 Jaws 1...
I would kill for their titan to be a mecha dread saurian
Ehehheheheheheheg soon(falls asleep) also I have no clue how to reach that part of my profile on the mobile version of this website
Is this like replies/posts on subs because I'm at almost 2k then or like you have made 5000 topics started in discussions etc
Also I kinda hope the theme next year is tyranids
How does a behemoth achieve a spawning title?
Interesting I like it
I will say this in regards to the esports talk. Overwatch was ruined and extremely unfun to play all of the last 3 years because of all the...
One can dream right gw give me AOS apocalypse
Make it 1790 3 dread saurians 1530 1 slann starmaster 260 Easiest quickest deployment ever
Here's a bold claim. Shooting phases should happen at the same time
Man I'd fucking be helping them do their turns at that point. Like "No dude you gotta roll 2d6 and add 2 for the charge. And if you make it roll...
I had to run errands but I lost passion of discussion about this subject. Apologies but my fucking aspergers killed this discussion for me.