I'd love for you to explain and expand my views. Im not unreasonable in the slightest. I'm quite the pagmatist and the one people come for brutal...
Or when gotrek whooped belakors ass with a bloodthirster
Preemptively setting up anything on turn 1 hardly means much when it comes to smash armies. I don't think I can express that enough when facing...
In what world isn't nagash absolute on the death aspect? He ate all the other death gods besides nurgle. If that doesn't roar godzilla volumes of...
Had one of my dreads get killed because of the double turn. Both the most impressive display of desperation I've ever seen and the most annoying...
But it isn't wrong. It's completely true. The only influence an opponent has in regards to double turn is maybe trying to counterspell and the...
I want to read the arm wrestling match
Too add to this discussion about an overrated character. Just because you're a God doesn't mean you're the best at what you do. Unless youre...
The 1st gen slann (kroaks generation) taught teclis' ancestors how to bend the winds of magic. So yeah no one would bat an eye to kroak doing...
I wonder when they're gonna obliterate the double turn? A lot of negative play imho comes from that
I've always hated that flamethrower but it works I like it's capabilities
This is the kind of shit I live for. I love being proven wrong
Alright folks let me inform yall why skinks can't be cold one riders. The lore states that cold ones can't be broken by skinks in fact here's the...
Seeing a kroxigor with powerfists just gets me silly happy
Hes the first relic priest boom
Solution more skinks
As my point was proven about Vince having an unreliable viewpoint on the seraphon we went straight back into theological discussion about out...
This. This right fucking here.
I get that. I understand it. It is reaching for air in its relevance and is ignoring important info that makes his complaints null and void...
And here I am asking the same question I always do. Why the fuck does anyone give a shit what Vince and his biased ass uninformed community thinks?