You may do whatever you want but that doesn't say I won't pop in and look at the warscrolls and maybe test them out
Take the oldblood we have right now and change the name.
stranger things have happened
Chaffee is still Chaffee just drop few celestial deliverences on it and swag on out of there while my colleagues go to work
A friend of mine has been using kitbashed necrons for skeletons
Yall have no fucking clue how much I want a new red terror the og proto trygon/mawloc
Child's play throw a overhand right and twist the fist slightly downward toward the temple to get the maximum chance of a concussion for that...
And those people get made fun of by the people who use their brains
For real isn't that orb supposed to be basically a nuke?
Because GW gives no fucks and wants to piss off the lizards more with mistreatment
Tiktaqto aka The Eye in the Heavens 130 Move 15 wounds 11 bravery 8 save 4+ Blade of The Heavens Attacks 4 3+/4+/-2/1 Beak of the Alpha Terradon...
Now that's a scary animal
Oh God make me cry more haha
I likey I really do but that bracketing would gimp it so hard if you don't get turn 1so kind of a dice roll. Also on the it burns rule I'm...
Thank you for the base rules help ill take it from here brother The shadow of the slanns 145 pts Move 12 bravery 9 wounds 7 save 4+ Sacred blade...
Outstanding work which lore would he be able to take spells from?
I recently put out a randomly thought out nakai but he forgot his name and @Erta Wanderer shored it up here he is Spirit of the Jungle 340 points...
It functioned as a IWND and every wound he got he had a ward save and a regeneration save
1. I am basing this off of the twwh2 game not that terribly written compendium they made for 7th Ed, in the game he uses a giant golden hunk of...
Lads I made some adjustments if ya want to review