Avian horror- The Ripperdactyl is a voracious Arial predator that dive bombs its prey from above where it's prey rarely expects to be attacked...
I for one adore him as just a beatstick that makes running that army erta offered up (Ghosts) seem reasonable. It makes it out to be a decent...
Fair enough in twwh2 it does look like it was just a hunk of gold on a stick so I can get down with that
Would making the standard of the old ones -2 rend be too much or nah?
Plus that filthy ignore wounds to combo on the scaly skin and the extra bites really get me fanning my chops. My God they could release new...
We could actually put this a coalesed as well and it might actually be a fairly decent army
Now we're fucking designing a character my dude
GW has the chance to make a Nakai model for Aos that Is named Spirit of the jungle. And they can mention that he used to go by nakai as well. We...
I compared the total war ones to their human enemies they're roughly the same height. Well at least the wizard skinks and tehenuain are
Skinks sit roughly between 6' common skinks and 7' red crested Saurus roughly at 7.5-8.5' Krox are 12 feet minimum
Pretty sure it would be exactly the same as apocalypse.Also since apocalypse is supposed to have close to something bonkers like 10k points a...
Wanna kill palladors easier than that? Comets call and celestial deliverance do wonders. So does throwing a fucking dinosaur at it.
For seraphon who are literally swimming in an ocean of cp Bravery means little to nothing otherwise I have no real gripe with what you're saying
The words you were looking for are fingers right?. But yeah I compared em and can tell distinct things are different but damn they threw me off at...
Hes fucking gorgeous. But I am 100% sure that they reused bloodthirster wings for em hahaha
Oof. I love that about starborne the most tbh. It's the perfect way of saying "no you have to deal with this first before you get to do weird fun...
I say it subtly by teleporting myself 9 inches from em. #thuglyfe
I always love pointing out how lovely the lictor model actually looks for being resin