15 Chameleons vs a T6 W5 4+ AS Terror-causing monster? You sure about that? ^_^
Wait, what!? You do NOT get 27 MoK GW marauders for the price of 40 cohorts. 5pts per GW marauder + 30 for the mark puts them at 230 for a unit of...
Your calculations are purely vs a marauder unit with just shields, something that I already stated will be hard to find in the real gaming world....
Does the Standard of Sundering still make LoLight almost useless against Daemons? If so i'd prefer LoFire over it; it's your basic damage lore; in...
Your math hasn't taken the 6+ marauder save into account, unless you're calculating without shields. 20 shots as S+S yields 6.66 hits, 3.33 wounds...
Personally, not well at all. They're a bunch of WS2 BS3 S3 T2 models with a 6+ save and 6+ ward in combat against most things. If it was a...
Have you thought about scraping some points for the Burning Blade on your oldblood instead of a GW? Correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't LoLight...
Thanks for your reply :) The saurus numbers were based off points, I could dump the sword and board saurus to bump the 18 spears up to 24, as 30...
Now, some of you may have seen my other [7th Ed.] thread and thought "Hang on, he just said his club are sticking with 7th, why is he now making...
I actually didn't use the stand and glued it straight onto the base. If done right then it can work, but I might need to re-base him on a stronger...
Since my gaming group doesn't seem to be moving to 8th edition, I thought it best to try and re-design my 7th edition lists instead of creating...
Off-topic: Couldn't you still cast Steal Soul on the Stank regardless of whether it damages it in order to utilise the wound gained regardless?...
The Old Ones required this thread to be ressurected! Anyway, has anyone here just gone with the tail conversion and gotten away with it? Having...
I paint after it's all been put together. I don't know why, but I find painting easier that way, it also allows me to paint as i'm looking at the...
That's the first tournemant i've seen where the rules and army books have been bastardised to this extent. It's basically "Use 1 of every unit you...
The only one complaining can be countered by being the only one in this situation, the dice used aren't generated, otherwise they would enter the...
This is where I think they'll have a hard time arguing their case. The Focussed Rumination Die isn't EVER generated, it's a free die that is added...
If you look in the index of the BRB for 'large target' and go to that page, there's somewhere there that states a large target is described as...
Grave guard with great weapons that hit last, yes... first they have to weather impact hits from the steg and then the combat hits. Unless there's...
Aye, page 48 in the BRB under Psychology Tests & break tests: "...units engaged in close combat and fleeing units never take psychology tests...