so here's my army list i plan to follow eagalblaze's advice and use the terradons to lead the 500 or so points of bloodknights away from the main...
so heres the thing, im playing in a campaign and i just got attacked by some vamps. we both have 1000pnts and i know hes going to take fully...
u guys all have some amazing story's! the greatest thing I've ever been blessed with is probably today when my 2 remaining coc managed to hold...
K i finished my steg ill have the pics up tomorrow hopefully
y not
well im short on time this month so i pledge to paint my steg (not including my howda)
im not so sure about the salamanders (im still pretty new myself and haven't got to try them yet) bet the terradon's are a real let down to me...
we have the same color scheme :jawdrop: and here i was thinking i was original ;) any how i would love to see some other models i'm stuck...
ok i was wrong it will be 1000 for the first 2-3 months 2000 for 2 months and 3000 for 1. the demond player will be tacking the lord of chance to...
ya i guess thats kinda a stupid question but demons get 20 something power dice and can cast any spell from the 8 lores. on another note how are...
ya my only problem with that is i dont have that many skinks... yet ;) so other than skinks what can i do? my draw back with skinks is pink...
k so i have a campaign coming up and have the growing threat of all chaos armies teaming up. anyway i have been browsing the tactics and found...
cant wait for some thing to read! have you posted any pics of your army? id love to see them
its prrbly a scam to make you buy more
but i thought that the cannon had to see the target to shoot at it
im looking to use him as a hammer and unit destroyer. :droid: also what is the best way to prtect him from cannon fire
lol thats good sounds like he checked in to a rich person hotel and got kicked over to the one next door for no rich ppl
i just got a carnosaur and was wondering what is the most effective build in every one else's experience
srry i misread the general my bad :jawdrop:
i would drop the cohorts and up the saurus one model each so u get the rank bonus but other than that i really like it. in fact do u mind if i...