While I agree the new monsters aren't very effective per se I'd be hard pressed to find a monster from the new books that is honestly, you dont...
I do understand how disappointed people are I play Lizardmen too,they were my first army and my main army I'm just trying to look at it from a...
I'm pretty excited for this book despite the negatives that people are seeing ive changed my old views, I'm optimistic. Besides everyone hates on...
Eh I don't think that the whole predatory fighter (frenzy bating) is to big a deal I mean honestly other armies cope with it. With the cheap...
Thanks for the indept post Olderplayer you definetly broke down everything in a good way to really help me annylize this book to our soon to be...
Seems like GW really screwed the pooch on this one.........It just seems like our book was made to FAQ the "cheesy" aspects of our stuff that was...
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 27/07] I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they made the Slann a monster I feel like GW is...
It would have been cool to see CoC in Core. You know what though it is entirely possible we may have another core choice that just hasn't gotten...
What I'm really hoping is that they make up for our lack of troop variety with some new options on our Saurus, I mean skinks are one thing blow...
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07] I have a hard time believing that Bastiladon is only toughness 5 he's like a lil tank...
Honestly Core aside I hope they do something with temple guard they're not worth 16 points IMO either lower the point cost or give them something...
I feel like the Troglodon will have poison attacks. Especially If the Skink oracle is an oracle of Sotek or something. The Bastiladon is probably...
I'm excited of new models but not excited about the prices at all, everything is so expensive GW is getting more and more rediculous with prices
At any given time. can you please tell me where it says this in the rule book it only mentions the wizard that casts it as he can only power one...
I'd definitely field a Slann in your next match against WoC id go for Lore of Metal it can thrash them especially if he's using a warrior heavy...
If hes just gonna sit behind his Zombies and chill out id just take Lore of Heavens and just keep nuking him with comets it would be pretty...
Ya id love to see a Carnosaur the size of of the new Griffin model! Truly deserving of a monster thats modeled after a T-rex!
Idunno seeing has how GW loves making these Huge based monsters for armies now ( Arachnarok Spider, Stonehorn, Empire Gryphon, Terror Gheist) i...
On the subject of Saurus with spears if your playing a BIG game i love making a horde block of 40 with spears in prolonged combat you get lots of...
How many points we talkin? DEs have a good advantage over Lizzies in low point games due to they're units being so cheap compared to us and you...