There is always a use for more S4 hits. I would rather use this against things like chaos warriors, big'uns, white lions, or temple guard...
The sphinx we have been referring to is the sphinx special terrain, I dont have a rulebook in front of me to give you the exact wording, however...
I agree with Dyvim Tar and the hunted, this is poorly worded and needs an FAQ. It can be read either way.
I would save the points and put him with the skinks.
Slann can only share spells with other slann as I recall.. priests dont have telepathic confudling so they cannot share spells with a slann.
List looks good It will shred armor and monsters but suffer against hordes. Also the slann will need to be kept safely bunkered in the rear...
Keep reading . It is very explicit about what it means by "chosen" lore. It is very clear it is not referring the lore you chose when selecting...
Ya know, theres a good chance you are right and this will be clarified in a faq. We certainly are getting ridiculous bang for our buck otherwise,...
Yes, you can stack wildforms. The only rule is that a caster can only cast each spell once per turn, so you will need multiple priests to do this.
Life with a block of (cheaper) temple guard is always solid.
I hate to say it, but when i read my rulebooks today I had the same question, and the sphinx is immediately what I thought of. Gaining loremaster...
temple guard down to 7/8ths of their old cost. I cant find the thread that had the stegadon cost information, sorry
Doom and gloom here is what I am seeing: The Kroxigors went up in strength, and down in cost, I dont see that as a negative Engine of the gods...
I just finished reading the warseer threads, and good lord they are all doom and gloom over there. They make it sound like the books author went...
My 2 cents Carnosaur: I have to disagree with you guys on this one. I think this is a beautiful model and I actually like the head of it, maybe...
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 29/07] Just wanted to say thanks for keeping this thread updated, it is appreciated.
Maybe its just me but when I heard divining rod, my mind jumped to dousing rod. Something like place a small water feature on the board at the...
Sammy could you tell us a bit about the site, some of us have access to extra hosting. How much bandwith/month and storage does the site use? I...
Yeah, i think you nailed it. I think they intend for them to be called Rips and Tears.
I feel like its safe to say kroxigors and cold one riders will either be buffed or dropped in points. I am really curious if either of them will...