This is supported in the fluff, the Sacred Spawning of Sotek are lizardmen marked by the god Sotek, they are recognizable by their bright red skin...
I agree with the above. For what its worth though, in sixth edition we had Sacred Spawnings of the old ones, and a unit marked by the old ones...
Yup, if you read the paragraph in the Magic Standards section of the core rulebook, it makes the distinction between Standards and...
First off, I went over to, and I love the painting, the orange is great. I definitely prefer the dark elf cold ones to ours, and I...
First off, list looks like fun. Couple things you should be aware of though. The Carnosaur is a lot of fun, but easy to kill. Because it is...
We have better replies to the banner of the world dragon than most armies do. Tie up the unit for a turn or two with speed bump units while you...
Not necessarily. In my area's meta, large blocks of white lions are an everyday occurance. White lions no longer have free rerolls from their...
Beastmen are pincushions, control his movement with skinks / terradons to give you enough time to breath fire and poison him down. Poison will...
Well, Albion is actually just an old name for Britain. They made it pretty obvious what they were going for using an old name for britain and...
Depends on what you use your scar vet for, if you want a glass cannon to cleave through hordes of plague monks or something this build is good....
Re: Greek themed lizardmen Plog (including armies on parade The screamer coming out of the water is nothing short of amazing, seriously, that...
If we are going to get changes to temple guard, I just want them to be able to go toe to toe with other elites. White liions cost less and have...
If he runs a banner of the rune maw ( wont allow you to cast on his deathstar) you will need to switch to a buff based lore like life. Normally...
So the map of the warhammer world is basically just a map of the modern world. Lustria = brazil, empire = germany, chaos waste = siberia,...
You made me snort while drinking my coffee with that.
Magic missles cannot be cast out of melee, and all other types of spells except vortexes require line of sight, so he willl be able to cast on...
Re: Pinktaco's red/brown/gold army (a newbie's contribution) I agree with the above, I use brown under my gold and it darkens it up nicely,...
I wouldnt call that an abuse. Any points spent on an oldblood are points not spent on the slann, which is normally the focal point of our army.
My opinion is that the battalion box is good. I use skinks, saurus, and temple guard all of my lists over 1500 points. The cold ones are teh...
First off, I like this list, I think the point values are unrealistic in some cases, but I like the concepts. I agree, but I also think there are...