Yes, the magic weapon is here to deal with ethereal units. I'm also bothered by not having the points for the armour of destiny. I would have to...
Thanks! The tactica forum has already helped me a lot in working on my list. I'll take a look at the fluff sub forum.
Hi, I'm a Dark Elf and Dwarf player from Québec Canada. I'm in the hobby since I'm 7 and I'm still playing with my toys now at 21 years old. I'm...
Play tested the list against Dark Elves and then against skavens. Against dark elves, he had a MSU/cavalry ish list supporting an horde of Witches...
Alright, I think I'm finally done trying to find an all rounder balanced build with that kind of list until further test. Again thanks a lot for...
Thx for that quick reply. Very helpful! I think I have the tools to at least try to win the chaff war against DE cavalry based list... against...
Hi everyone! I just came back from my first battle royale which was a ton of fun (There were 4 armies - Skavens, Lizards, Daemons and Undead...