I'm not sure how your solo death slann is surviving (especially if your opponent has warmachines or shooting). He would be target number 1 for my...
Since noone else has I'll chime in: -Slann looks fine, only thing I'd say is replace the gleaming pennant with the +1 leadership one (or none if...
Agreed that is why I tend to give him a luckstone if short on pts. 5 pts and hopefully that one armor reroll is enough to keep him alive in cc at...
Your slann can only take one arcane object so you need to choose between cupped hands and dispel scroll (take cupped hands and give your skink...
As MI_Tiger said, you roll the miscast before using cupped. This is really important so you can direct the most devastating miscast at your...
I really want to like EOTG but it does have severe limitations. I like it for the bubble against firing and the burning alignment in close. To...
The slann should have cupped hands, not cube of darkness. Cupped hands is just too good in the hands of a slann not to use (even a life slann)....
I don't know of any rule against this. The heroes in the front displace the TG models including the command group. The slann should go into the...
Welcome. Okay here goes: Drop book of ashur from your slann. Believe me, rumination will let you get off all the spells you like and much cheaper...
Hello and welcome! Yes the battalion box is a good start as you'll need some skinks and some saurus. The cold one cavalry will probably not get...
The wizard discards all 6s thus making it impossible for him to miscast, it is as if he never a 0 on those dice. However he is still limited to...
I had this very discussion the other day on how net works, especially on magic. I wish there were some FAQ that could answer this once and for all...
Yeah, this tournament sounds way too paranoid about magic (and Lizardmen in general). Someone needs to ask the head tournament guy to show us on...
I was almost certain it took 2 skinks to man (lizard??) each blowpipe but I could be wrong. I know the crossbow takes 2 to fire.
Upgrade your stegadon to an ancient. The blowpipes will be far more useful than that useless crossbow. Especially against ogres, just enjoy the...
Slann do not get the 18" inspiring presence as they no longer count as a large target, I believe that was 7th edition. The rule now is that they...
My Temple Guard are only too happy to give their lives in the advancement of the slann's mission...
Who can stand and shoot which is awesome if you just don't make the charge. Every time I announce my 4d6 +1 (extra javeliner up top) stand and...
This is not a full batrep, just a rather frustrating game against my buddy's hellcannons again. I've already played two games against this same...
Depends. On the smaller flanking skrox units (16 skinks + 2 krox) probably not. If you are making a bigger skrox unit with 24 skinks and 3 Krox I...