Saurus Oldblood + Charmed Shield + Talisman of Preservation + Ironcurse Icon + Carnosaur + Loping Stride + Bloodroar + great weapon +...
But it's cool! And it's called "Telepathic Confabulation"...what's not to love? :D Gleaming pennant on the Slann? (And pray you don't fail your...
Yeah, I read and re-read trying to find something I missed, but no. Ah well. I'll just have to play better ;)
Considered it, but my vets are all cowboys, and relatively expendable. Hero points are hotly contested, and you want to keep your Slann alive...
I might be a little slow off the mark here, but I've been re-reading some rules and, as far as I can see... A Slann in temple guard can be...
I'm sorry, but I find all this talk of daemons being lower tier (especially lower than ogres!?) hilarious. If you look at tournament results from...
Pure, unadulterated filth? (No comp?) doesn't change it much I don't think. My opinion. Top: Daemons (top of the top I think), warriors, skaven,...
Not all of us are pessimistic, some of us love the book ;) At the risk of this becoming a predatory fighter thread: Agree with sleboda:...
Don't listen! Played a few games with the new book and loving it. Not played hardcore competitive yet, but most of the stuff that was good...
Most of the pieces you say you don't like seem to have very similar styles. Same artist? I like the vast majority of it to be honest. However,...
So, let me get this straight... You want GW to completely re-release the lizardmen army book, because a couple of rules are unclear and you don't...
Your chief has 2 pieces of magic armour? Also, he won't benefit from toughness 4 I don't think, as he becomes monstrous cavalry?
Looked at some but couldn't get the size right. Currently working on a venusaur conversion from greenstuff :jawdrop:
So, I hate the ring pop crystal on the solar engine, but the bastiladon is gorgeous. Would love to do a venusaur conversion, but my...
Yeah, you missed the part where the enemy can attack to Krox, potentially removing any wounds the unit would cause before they get to strike....
Ill give my opinions, but please take with a pinch of salt as I have not played the book yet, so this is all speculation ;) I would drop the...
Cold One Riders can't take a magic banner any more. Also Temple Guard have -2 to armour saves with their halberds. Can I throw in my 2 pence? I...
Rules As Written at the moment is that with the Piranha Blade "the bearer gains the Multiple Wounds (D3)", as opposed to "the blade has the...
They are monstrous Cavalry, so you roll to wound against toughness of the beast :)
Does a red fury vampire get his/her red fury attack from the second rank?