Right here among us. You are a hatchling among old scaly grumps. Not some ogre/rat/orc pantomiming as a child of the First Race. Only @Y'ttar...
Not entirely true. We do get to see new warscrolls before the Preorders sometimes. Not to mention leaks.
I too will be preordering from GW. Going for the cards and hopefully a dice set.... I swear if you all buy them all up and I don't get any (like...
New Book Changehost Tzeentch, then Petrifax Bonereapers with Nagash.
Rather hope for both being good, not to give them an easy out ... Also, this isn't true. They have changed our backstory and retconned plenty of...
Would be hilarious and "Just as Planned" of us. But I doubt it. Just hope we get some really good lore about what we've been doing all this time....
Welcome! It is sad to hear that you do not have a place to play currently. Mayhap you can locate your nearest game store and see about making a...
O was mostly using the old Maurader rules as a staging point for line troops, with things like Raiders and Jaguar warriors being more 'celestial...
Looking good!