I thought Garrisoned models don't count towards objective grabbing?
That SC is still a money saver. A good deal in my opinion. Still wish they were all 85 USD.
It'll be hilarious if it turns Sylvaneth wildwoods against them.
Really hoping there's an army wide rule or something that decreases rend against them byb1 or ignores rend on a sliding scale.
Also the Command Ability is used in the combat phase, and only works on a Sauras unit. Can't read the rest, too distorted.
The ability looks like Cold Ferocity. Gets 2 hits instead of one on an unmodified roll of something.... It's hard to read.
Paragon of Order is gone off the Oldblood scroll, Wrath of the Seraphon replacing it as the command ability. From the Warscroll picture with the...
That does confirm that Seraphon are terraforming the Relams to be more Jungly, lol. I like how they included Priests in it too.
New SC is nice. I wanted more Terradons and another Bastilidon or two. Slightly disappointed that there isn't a new Sauras SC, but giving...
Gotta say, that's a massive lot of metal Kroxigors.
That won't be until April. Saga of the Beast is March, with SW and Ghaz. Engine War will include Mechanicus, thus it's a fairly strong assumption...
GW doesn't do surprise pre-orders anymore. Which is honestly a good thing.... I do not miss the days of being blindsided by am army book/model...
We knew that. We were told last Sunday. Now we wait for tomorrow.
Good thing they do a pass over on Monstrous Arcanum things if their related tome comes out. Not well documented, because it's rarely ever a big...
Really glad Lost Kingdoms is doing more chorf stuff, along with plenty of lizards. Those two armies seem to attract talented sculptors and...
I'm going to try after the Battletome hits. I got my base and proxy model, fiddling with them both. It is pretty big, but with how a lot of...
420 is already pretty hefty for what he does. Slap on what you say and I wouldn't mind him staying as is....
Anyway, taking bets on whether or not Dead Saurian will see ANY changes after the Battletome drops. I'm hoping he does get a few. More wounds...
Started batch painting a unit of ten Guard that I've had on the table for a few weeks. I did my normal thing and got distracted, finishing one of...
South Korea has stopped joint operations with US for safety reasons, but I'm pretty sure Japan closed schools for a month. SK may have done the...