Could have sworn I heard a story about two women escaping quarantine in Russia when this was all starting. But to consider the virus, it's not...
Speaking of that. I've been enjoying the show, locally and online, with popcorn in hand. Watching people freak and cry, even over a change that's...
Welcome, were generally friendly and warm. But beware when the claws and fangs start getting bared!
Some folk forget to have fun. Course, it's really fun when you win sometimes.
Whenever I do mange to start batch painting, I find it a bit therapudic to just let myself go and flow with the work. That often leads me to...
By that time, we should also have new lore to digest and adapt if so chosen to do. At least for anyone aiming to write AoS Seraphon stories....
Nice report! Too bad you didn't convert a Starpriest/Priest from the Troglodon skink. He would have helped a lot here.
Chinese companies only produces books, cards, and terrain for GW. All other models are made in house by GW. Edit- On top of that, everything that...
I'm crying a little. This is amazing honestly.
I knew it was something bloody. Another @spawning of Bob relic, oh how impactful he was on Lustria. Well, depending on the topic of the next...
I could see an argument for them in a DT if you have a heavy Chaos Deamon meta. But I mostly agree. If you're already just summoning Skinks, then...
Could you not put your ckinks on the board, Disappear from Sight in the hero phase, then pop in in the movement phase? The wording on DfS and the...
Its rumored to be around 60 USD, but I think it's more about the fact that it's 5 spindly, Guardsman stats models sold as heavier infantry models....
So not exactly related to AoS, but GW has been posting photos on FB and the like of converted Banshees and Incubii.... Not conversions to those...
Wooo! Congrats @Scalenex Also, what's the cup again? Once upon a time I knew what it was. Also, congrats to everyone who participated. I liked...
Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings by Para Bellum. It's a really tight game, written by one of the brains that helped with 6th Edition WHFB....
Blood of Baal Strategem that costs 2cp (?) That decreases the strength of all shots targeting friendly Tyranid units within 6"(?) Of the...
40k is a mess right now. Locally, our last event a few days ago was Half marines, 1 Ork army, 1 Tau army, 1 Sisters army, 1 Guard army, and 1...
That is a lot of Finecast out of stock in places. Ah well. The fern is interesting. It could be a new piece of terrain, basing kit, decoration...
If you want more 'in lore' look at things 2+ Tough on YouTube explores the lore and the going ons fairly well. He just finished going over the...