Do you have any idea about Price? And how many does a person need? (I love the designs, but Im new and dont know if I should take more than one of...
Hello guys Im soon gonna try my first 2500 match, and I need some help to assemble my army. I know there is an app for this, can anyone help me...
I would leave the Ark of Sotek at home. When you got no jungle swamps, its not really needed in my opinion. And, you are 5 points over :) thats...
Hello people I might be stupid, but I haven't been able to find any kits for Scar-vets (with out mount). I brought a lot of warhammer from a guy...
Cool tropic :) I play Barytone Saxophone and Tenor Saxophone (at semi pro level), I have been traveling a lot the past years and im at the moment...
But still Someday Im gonna make a lot of calculating and math over this and start going for the wins ;) hehe But before I start all that I need...
At the moment I'm not playing to win, I'm playing to have fun and learn. Later when I have played a lot of games with different kind of armies -...
But how do I make a chief? Do i have to mod it myself? As what I can read there isn't a chief in the boxes? And yes 6 Rippers + a ripper chief and...
Thanks! :) The thing is also that some tournaments (I think?) have that rule that your models have to be the one you are playing, does this make...
Hello Guys For some expanding I'm going to buy 5 boxes of Terradons for 1 Tiktaq'to, 7 Terradons and 7 Ripperdactyles. I have seen them in combat...
Where in Denmark are you playing? :) And it was nice to read about the fights! :) Im totally new to warhammer, so I'm trying to learn as much...
Gf14?! See you there :-) (sorry for spam)
Thanks alot! As a matter of fact, one of the guys where I play have won the World Championship in warhammer a couple of times. So im going to ask...
Welcome :) Im also new here, but the forum seems like a nice place, with some friendly users :)
I personally think this type of battle report was nice to watch Im a noob at the moment, but I could...
I already have 2 salamander packs? you think I should go for one more? I can see that my list isn't totally updated, I also got a Razordon pack...
Sorry about the alle respond, someone has to accept my replies before it can be read. Just so you know :-)
Wow that was fast replies! I was thinking about buying a battalion after this. So I could get some more skinks, saurus, CO and TG :) I think I'm...
Hello out here! We are a couple there just started playing/painting warhammer! (wieee!) It will mostly be me (Morten) there is active on this...
Hello fellow lizardmen players :) I have just started playing/painting warhammer again, but I'm kinda new in the battle regi :( At the moment me...