I must apologize for my complete lack of updates for almost a year.....my family and I moved, my normal fantasy group split due to suddenly...
All your stuff is amazingly well done. I am in the "piss off I am not rebasing" camp and agree that AoS either needs to be great or terrible. My...
I am a big fan of the old school Cold One Rider/Dark Elf Cold One combo. You have done a great job with this unit! Very sleek and deadly.
Oh I have Skinks galore, two 20+ Cohorts, three 10 strong Skirmisher units, and ten Chameleon Skinks. I just decided to knock out the big boys...
So I keep getting sidetracked and start something else. I now currently have a Bastilodon, Stegadon, ancient Stegadon, Slann, and a unit of Saurus...
Absolutely excellent job on everything here! The quality and speed of completion are mind boggling. Keep it up!
Ah the joys of core choices, there are always more to do. I found the usefulness of batch painting on my Saurus with my airbrush. Sadly, my...
Gah! I didn't even consider that those would be gems......having an eldar army you'd think it would be second nature! That would help break it up...
Other than the Skinks' eyes and the random feather (that I realized I forgot to do after taking the photos) this unit is complete. I am going for...
I am going to start on my Stegadon crews tonight, going with a deep orange color. I have an eBay rescue Stegadon that I will start on tonight as...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I'm going to start on the crew this weekend. Should I do yellow/orange Skinks like the one...
Ok so Real Life reared its ugly head and cut into hobby time. However, I was able to get the Saurus block mostly finished. I still need to do the...
I like your army a lot, very well done! I look forward to seeing more.
Nightbringer: Thanks man, I hit it with some red and yellow glazes after the initial paint blending and I am much happier with it. I am going to...
Command group:[ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH] I noticed the mold lines on the musician after I took the photo, it has been...
Oh man, the Wolves are my favorite 40k army. I have been collecting them since 2003 and have amassed a force of about 10,000 points. As with most...
Now that may work! I will give that a shot during the kids' naptime today. Hopefully that is, naptime is no longer guaranteed now that the twins...
I agree, I have been trying to figure out what to use. If I go for an edge highlight it would look odd as it would likely be the same color as the...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I completed a test model Saurus tonight. With the work I have done on the unit plus the time it took me to do the test...
I used my airbrush to coat the model in Vallejo Model Air: Light Sea Blue then I air brushed French Blue from the top down. Starting the...