Sweet guys, I've got a long weekend coming up tomorrow so I'll do up a quick podcast on my games. This should allow me to get the point across...
Hi Guys, I'm Jeff Kent, been busy at work so only just saw this topic. Some replies below. As per the end of my replies I'm happy to do up battle...
I find big units of cohorts can work effectively. Take like 20 and put them in 2 ranks, they put out a lot of firepower and a lot of units that a...
The easy answers are: Don't take any monsters Make sure your cowboys have 2++ flame wards, charmed shields etc. Iceshard Blizzards Camo...
I've played 40+ games against the new WoC and have hardly had a problem with the DP. Below are some of the ways I regularly kill the guy. Keep in...
I've been experimenting with different lists since the new book and have settled back down on the cloud as the most competitive build. I don't...
I thought I'd share a list that has worked pretty effectively for me recently. In my country special characters are allowed: Slann - BSB,...
See I think it comes down to what the community wants to be the accepted norms and standards. I will happily play against and with...
Hello Everyone - We've just finished knocking together our next episode covering a couple tournaments and the age old issue of painting scores at...
Well it is a book written by Jeremy Vetock....
We actually conducted an elaborate heist which resembled something from the fast and the furious.
Thanks for listening guys, it's my view that the book in general is the same but weaker with the new stuff being uninspiring from a competitive...
Kia Ora everyone, one advantage of being so close to the international dateline is that New Zealand for many purposes is actually in the future...
It doesn't, my prediction is that the skink cloud will remain the most effective build, but that it won't be as effective as it used to be.
Troglodons will only make it on the table if you like the model. Shame
another WS 3 S4 attack with PF doesn't make CoC any closer to being worth their current points. The problem with Primal Fury is that the quality...
Any decent player would just keep his block 1" away from the back of the other in such a way as to prevent a charge on the correct frontage.
Call me a pessimist but I'm pretty concerned by the release and it's ability to compete at least in my local meta: Currently the army competes in...
http://plastickrak.blogspot.co.nz/2013/07/lizardmen-for-august.html Confirmation and info on new Lizards for August. The guy is legit.