Hello Everyone - Today is our first of many mini episodes. These will be shorter (approximately 1-1.5 hour) episodes dedicated solely to a single...
Lords Slann: 5 Saurus Oldblood: 2 Heroes Skink Priest: 3 Skink Chief: 1 Saurus Scar Veteran: 4 Mounts Cold One (Liz): 4 Carnosaur: 2 Terradon: 2...
http://kiwihammer.co.nz/episode-1-kiwihammer-begins Hello Everyone and welcome to the first KiwiHammer Podcast! This is our first proper episode...
Re: First Encounter with Skaven... and Dreaded 13th. Any adv The safest way to not get Dreaded 13th is to: 1. Take Becalming Cogitation 2. Take...
Anyone have any of these they want to offload? Cheers. Jeff
Yeah this sums up how I'd play against it. I'd sit 25" away and shoot off your units for a small win. You're a newer player so I don't think you...
Well first off, it's weird to see Fozzrik's Folding fortress. It tends to banned in tournament play due to it's effect on game balance (due to the...
I think you're 11 points short on Core mate. It's an interesting list and I might give it a whirl sometime if you don't mind. I can see how it...
That makes more sense, I was under the impression that the Cohorts were there to engage in combat after throwing their javelins. Question though,...
When I play my priority for Terradons and Chameleons is to kill my enemy's fast cav and chaff using rocks etc. in order to win control of the...
I'm going to a tourney where you're not allowed 3 units of terradons. I'm going to try out: Skink Chief - Terradon, Spear, Light Armour, Shield...
I think that without Lore of Light to get buffs off that they don't put out enough damage for what you pay for them. Consider that the skinks hit...
Skink Clouds are probably the most competitive build the book can make in an uncomped environment. The key though is not to go full Skink (Slann...
VC really don't like it when you take a Banehead Slaan. I'm a fan of metal, you can wipe out a knight-bus if you have to and Blades/Trans of Lead...
Hey mate, First off I'd echo the sentiment that only one game is not enough to know if an army is good or bad if you're not already familiar with...
Thanks mate, there are plenty more battle reports on the site which show how a Skink Cloud works.
Day 2 and Results: http://littlewaaagh.blogspot.co.nz/2013/05/the-wandering-orc-tournament-report-day.html
Hello Everyone, I've got a new tournament report up from an event I went to last weekend....
I've written up Day 2 and the wrap-up: http://littlewaaagh.blogspot.co.nz/2013/05/runefang-vi-tournament-report-day-2_1.html Cheers. Jeff
Hello All, I've just got back from a tournament over the weekend where I used my Lizardmen. The results weren't quite what I hoped but I still...