Hello All, I am heading off to a (virtually) no comp tourney tomorrow and am taking a dual slann skink cloud list. The tourney is 8 games over 3...
Hello all, I just wanted to share some pictures of my completed Lizardmen army of which I painted a bit over half and did all the basing on. The...
Thanks for the compliment and I'm glad you enjoy the batreps. In terms of the caster/power dice ration I think this isn't a huge issue for...
@ Ferocious, thanks for the tips, that's two mistakes I won't make again. @ Scalenex, I think you're right but the list is meant to be an all...
Hell All, I have just posted up a new battle report of a game I played a few nights ago against the Empire. It was a tough game with Cannons...
Hello All, I've just written up a tutorial how to quickly and simply paint up Skinks in a bone/red scheme. The tutorial is aimed...
Hello All, I've just posted up a new Batrep of my Lizardmen taking on Ogres in preparation for an upcoming tournament. I've...
I'm heading to a tournament in a few weeks where I'm hoping to be able to do well. In order to do this and considering the local metagame I really...
Hello All, I've just picked up a Lizardmen army as my 3rd army ( I also play OnG and Skaven) and have just had my first game with it...