My Painting Vows changed a bit over the month... :P Assemble: Model of the Month: – (Store never had any sprue) [IMG] 5 Vinidicators – Completed!...
I saw that video then saw you mentioned in it. Very smooth and fantastic work! :D
And final continuation: Reikenor the Grimhailer: [ATTACH][ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And a shot of...
And my Dec painted things: Fellowhip Aragorn: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Model of the month Squig with my second attempt at OSL: [ATTACH]...
*Returns yet more from the wastes* Cheers :) Here's a bit of a backlog of pics from the last couple of months: Some basing work on Chainrasps:...
Apologies for the delay. Many congrats to the winner-meat! :D As always it was great to see such a high calibre of writing from all involved!
A Better World Doom descended upon the jungles of Lustria. Fractured chunks of the once green moon tore through the sky even as the Slann sought...
For this month I better start with my patent pending roulette: 1 – Classic Queek Headtaker 2 – Merry 3 - Classic Wight Standard Bearer 4 – Pippin...
My final count at the end of the month is: Assemble: Model of the Month: Squig - Completed! Da Red Gobbo on Bounca - Completed! Paint: Taddeus...
I would have been surprised if you hadn't. :P
I've just finished basing nine of my grimghast reapers (though I will prolly get some clumps of modelling grass sometime and make them a little...
Well last month was a failure in that I was not able to get my Necromancer done in time. Thusly he has been rolled over into this month and a new...
7 I believe?
Okies, draft done. Will check through in the morning. :P
*Begins* :P Wish me luck.
I'll start in nine or so days... :P
Mini update from me: Assemble: Model of the Month: Primaris Assault Intercessor - Completed! Paint: Taddeus the Purifier - 9 Classic Dwarf...
I'll prolly start in about 20 days or so... :P
So once again I did my random Ratty Roulette, giving the models not chosen last time a 50% chance to stay in, and ended up with the list below: 1...
I probably should have gone with the green stuff route, but it was still fun to cut each individual stone out and shape it. I do need to find...