And with a few days pause for some pretzels and bier...I moved onto the final hurdle... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Khaaaaaaaaaaaan! *Cough* I mean Kharn...
Next up is the GW Model of the Month which was an Ork Nob. I decided to have fun and paint him as a Blood Axe with a mishmash of camo schemes I...
*Returns from the tunnels* Been a busy month-thing. Starting up with my updates are my Spirit Hosts. I made some cobblestones from plasticard...
Oooh a very interesting theme! :D
Ratty Gnawtail - Madium Assemble: Model of the Month (Ork Nob) : - Completed! 3 Spirit Hosts - Completed! 5 Grimghast Reapers - Completed!...
I wrote a good chunk of it partway through the voting period and then returned after the tiebreaker had ended to finish it off. I had a few other...
@Killer Angel Since you asked so nicely. Here's a little something I knocked together as a prequel: Before Death Claws almost tenderly tore...
Thank you kindly. Admittedly, I did write this piece right on the deadline so I could have fleshed out the antagonism between the two a lot more...
Only in Death Oxtluc shifted uneasily and tightened his grip on his spear. Rain patterned down from the canopy above, rattling away from the...
Heh, guess we are podium buddies on this one, good sir!
Well one could argue that writers are gods of a sort (at least upon their own realm of vellum.) With the press of buttons or the flourish of a pen...
It's of the first rpgs on the UnderEmpire that I ran was Extreme Skaven Paintball... Each player was on a map with 1 or 2 wounds and...
...Fun fact I had drafts for this month's story reviews on just the titles before I went for an unusual allegiance of Gitstompa and Ikkit's...
In addition to my normal painting i'm introducing Ratty Roulette! Every month I pick six models from varying game systems, give them a number...
Uh oh it's il triello now. XD Oh and great review-things, Lord Agragax.
But there's more! :P I painted a load of ghosties and had some fun with plasticard and Stirland mud [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And...
That she be. :) Anyway, after a loooong hiatus of a month I come bearing lots more pics... Negavolt Cultists are done: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Assemble: Model of the Month: Grey Knight (1 V.V.P.s) - Completed! 3 Grimghast Reapers (3 V.V.P.s) - Completed! Reikenor the Grimhailer (2...
Well the 00 Mean Machine was clearly the best car and Dastardly was ironically the best driver given how he'd always get in front of the other...
Thank you for joining us in the 27th Wacky Story Race around Alliance Hills. What a race it has been! As they approach the final turns in front is...