Was almost tempted to voice it, but last time I did the two together it was a bit taxing on the vocal cords. :P
By the Horned One Big Hatted Old One...that was amazing! :jawdrop: I adored the interactions between Nakai and Tehenhauin, especially the fast...
So since everyone else has covered most of the things I would have mentioned in any review. I decided to outsource my reviews to a couple of the...
Felrix Brightfur (From the Among the Dust series) : "Am-am I a joke-thing to you?" Yes, Felrix, that was kind of the point of your creation....
Next up I repainted Isabella Von Carstein. I did overdo her face a bit as I couldn't quite get the shade right... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
After what feels like a long long time...here's some update-things. Whilst trying to find my missing Black Coach I managed to find some old old...
Assemble: Model of the Month (Grey Knight) 4 Grimghast Reapers Reikenor the Grimhailer Paint: Taddeus the Purifier Guardian of Souls 10...
It is for the 40k daemonic entity known as Shai-Tan who also describes itself as being Legion. The Great Crusade/Horus Heresy is weird. :P Quick...
Normally I would have managed it in the single day yesterday, but ran into some writer's block. :P Hopefully should finish by end of today.
I has idea-thing...now I need to get time to actually scribble-scratch...
Aye, that really sucks given the amount of exemplary work you've put into this. :(
From last month's painting: Rogue Trader Janus Draik: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I was dared to paint my free Sister of Battle model...
It was I guess a combination of End Times, the UE Council not having a clear direction, the change of zetaboards to tapatalk, and the general...
A good question. A good number I think ended up on the Facebook group, a few more ended up on the Skavenblight radio discord, and some others...
Greet-greetings again dead-thing. Glad that Carpe Noctem is still undead and kicking. :) I suppose I could pop on over, I was actually a...
Thank you kindly. I probably did rely a little bit too much on little nuggets of lore and easter eggs that could have been better spent on the...
The Fate of Haernost Cometsday 3rd of Shiverblight News has reached me in Brightspear of the mysterious plight of a fishing township further to...
Oh my, Animosity lives again?! :o I remember the good old days when the Chaos Gods were killed off, the Horned Rat became ascendant, one of my...
Last month I managed to get some of the Blackstone Fortress models painted, still not enough for a game but i'm getting there. Firstly some...
Apologies, i've had barely any time of late. :P I might do an incharacter post-review, but no promises!