That was a very hard one to vote for! Many kudos to the writer-meat for this contest as well as the winner-thing! Also thanks to those mad-things...
First glance through, as always some top notch stuff! :D
I've started the Blackstone Fortress models. First up is the Spindle Drones which I did a speed paint method for: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Lots of Blackstone Fortress painting fun this month, with an extra AoS ghost character if I get the time. Painting 4 Spindle Drones 4 Ur-Ghuls 8...
*Deranged chittering laughter of madness* I thought it would be a good idea to come up with a concept and write my entry in a single day. No idea...
And some more Glaivewraiths and the Dreadblade with base painted. I really love the detailed sculpted bases with the push fit models...but they...
Managed to assemble all of my listed Stormcast and all of the Blackstone models apart from the Choas Marines, completed one of the Dreadblade...
Ended up building all of the models (sans the Choas Marines and the Man of Iron) from Blackstone Fortress. The Kroot is a very nice model.
*Briefly drops in* I heard Wells and had to materialise. :P Honestly, the only adaptations of War of the Worlds i've ever enjoyed have been Jeff...
Good question-thing, I have a pot of Stirland mud that I was going to test on a spare base. If it comes out well, i'll probably use that as the...
Here's my monthly painting vows copied from Moulder Pitfighters for April: Assemble: Four Liberators (4 V.V.P.s) - Completed! Two Liberator...
Finished painting the sculpted bases on the Thorns of the Briar Queen (so many roses!) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Also finished...
All this exterminatus level heresy aside (the Inquisition have been informed.) It's a funny coincidence with this April Fools as I've just... I have-have to be stupid star-thing elf-thing... Wonder what-what Warpstone would do to that ghost-thing circuit-thing...
Not to mention the extra little corvid model that comes with the set, which i'm planning on using for a character conversion. The stone itself...
Progress Update: Assemble: One Lord Executioner - Completed! Three Sequitors - Completed! Two Castigators - Completed! Four Grimghast Reapers -...
*Returns* I have been painting some of the Garden of Morr terrain pieces last couple of weeks, here's a few shots: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
One of the sample schemes GW give for Hexwraith might be what you're looking for, they call it Hexed Blue and it's a base of Corax White, a wash...
About four to five washes of Hexwraith Flame over a light base, the more washes the more of a deeper fiery green it goes (the riders themselves...