"Ask that yellow devil to bring me my satchel, there is soothing ointment in there, and then Chadsun can rub it on my sore bottom and legs, since...
"WAKE UP YOU OLD FOOL!" Chadsun tugged on Eligbert's shoulder. Eligbert came to with a start "Wh, what.. who's there" "Ohh my leg." "Come on, we...
"Your excellence Tuti, some of the scouts have not returned. The decision to begin the ritual of accession must be made now." "Your excellence...
--------------------------------------------- "Well Choo Choo, you certainly have a fitting name, after what you did to the wizard" smiled Sue....
The Rotten Cunt Juice sat dead and stinking upon the sea. And Vullox dreamed a perpetual dying mans dreams. He was perpetually trapped in the...
Vullox walked down the stairs to his quarters and closed the door. A nurgling busily ground some warpstone and began to roll it with some tobacco...
Vullox Pus Farter UnKeeper Of Silent Promises, wiped the gore from his huge decayed bronze axe. Bits of the sailors cadavers rested upon his...
------------------------------------------------ "TAKE ME BACK!" the skink became agitated all of the sudden and reached out and grabbed at the...
The night was delicious mix of warmth and a crisp breeze on Sue's boob's that she proudly show cased, ever so slightly peeking over the top of her...
The problem is I paint lots of them all at once. My theory is that as soon as you get the base colours down and away from grey plastic, the easier...
I think I am about 40% 40k 60% AoS. I feel like the New Primaris and Death Guard models and most 40k stuff in general, is really realised and...
Yea that person was a renowned hater. I like Tau, I like the battle suits. I like that they are not Space Marines! Would love to see more box...
I only got into 8th eddition because I love the primaris and death guard models. But when I started to look at the rules, I really liked the...
yea guard are expensive! Absolutely awesome models tho. I try to buy the box sets because they are cheapest way into Warhammer. If I had to...
Oh yea, Tau I personally really like Tau, But I showed them to someone and they said they were poor mans star wars knock off's with manga feel....
I did witness the High Queen eat 4 giant Locausts of Ghurr today! I put about 4 in the tank, and she ate them all instantly. The High Queen did...
In life the bad guys always wins. Because the good guys are to up their own ass to get the job done. The Seraphon prove this. They were not...
I have to say, for me its about punchy colours. I have seen the award winning painters, and I respect they are very talented. But a lot of the...
Very nice! I look at your stuff, I like the orange shading. You have a very modern design kind of style. Hard to explain. Everybody has...