Skink chiefs die really easy, so you'll be deprived of your BSB very quickly. You could maybe drop him, and a unit of Chameleon skinks for a...
We already have a monster cav unit, which is Terradons. I don't really know if we'll get a Saurus monster Cav unit. It's probably low on the...
hmm, I like it. In this list, I'm going to have two Old Bloods, in case of the "extra army for the season" thing that can occur in the badlands...
If I meet him with this army, I certainly shall do a battle report. It fared well enough against my friend's ogre army, even while forgetting...
I need help kitting out an Old Blood who can hopefully go Toe to Toe with other lord choices, and don't bank on a lore of life slann keeping his...
Oh, one of the players is a dwarf, but hes across the campaign map, because I ended up in the opposite corner, so, hopefully the old ones are kind...
In my other lists, I run 6x5 with hand weapons, but this list, I wanted some super anvils. Hordes of Ogres can do some damage if they get that...
Cube of Darkness ends all Remains in play spells, including yours, and Lore of Life uses a few of them, so just keep that in mind.
I just felt like writing a little blurb about the Old Blood general I run in some games. So, tell me what you think. Balak- The Harbinger of Ruin...
You don't have to run it that way, you could do it in a way to prove the codex wrong, that Lizardmen can run themselves without the Slann. The...
I think all skaven shooting counts as magic attacks, so your slann will probably get sniped if he's by himself.
Only problem is i don't have sallies. But, I think I have the right bases, so I could easily proxy them. But I can't have the dragon helm and...
The only thing I would say is blowpipes are generally better on the skirmishers, because they can fire multishots. But I'm not too sure what you'd...
So, I think I'm going to drop the great bow steggy, Add another rank of ten Saurus to each horde, and the potion of speed to the Old Blood, to cap...
In the lizardman codex, it talks about "The Dragon Isles." on page 35. It says "To the east are the Dragon Isles, which were populated by Saurus...
I personally think that if a Saurus warrior was injured in combat (say, halbered in the chest, and left there) it would probably start attacking...
I might test it, but I prefer the giant blow pipes over the great bows. They're only strength 5, and there are two Chaos Warrior players, 1 ogre...
Tehenhauin cannot summon snakes, if hes on foot, they're just with him, they're unkillable, they're just there as long as he is. If you lore of...
If you're outnumbered by slaves, don't panic. They're slaves. Uhm, if you do the jacked up version of Flesh to stone, and they ring the bell,...
Use Ymgarl heads to make command distinct, give scything talons in the air to banner bearer. Green stuff a big throat around the musician so it...