I don't have kroxigors to do it, otherwise I'd have skinked it all. I just start the Saurus ahead so they can go be anvils, and the stegs can get...
Try the Gold Sigil Sword. Initiative 10 Saurus are mean
The blade of realities is pretty much an insurance plan against the horde of ogres one of my friends run. I tried for chief with war spear, I...
I'd say Berserker Sword. Coldblooded leadership 8 should make it reliable to pass the frenzy checks, and you gain the immune to psych rule. Cold...
So, as mentioned in my last list, I am going to be part of a badlands campaign, and need 3 lists. Our group is going for themes and fun over...
I'd say drop Soul of Stone, its not really needed. Trade out for Becalming, possibly. Whats the lore, Life? With thrones and cupped hands you...
If this is still open, I'd like 20 of the Gemini purple-teal?
I think he meant for other combats, not warmachines. The stomps that Terradons can deal out probably help a lot too. I have a lack of funding...
How good are terradons, I personally prefer chameleon skinks for war machine hunting, though I have a few friends who swear by terradon effectiveness.
So, just posting my list to see what people think. I'm in a badlands campaign and I need 3 different armies, and I'm operating on the models I...