Hi there, so far I have set up a 1k list which I played a couple of times (see http://lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=9980) My build so...
I really like the color scheme, nice and subtle. Though I can't help myself but I have to mention that as we all know reptiles are poikilotherm...
Rhodium is right,... thats why I had to pay more for the shield as stated in the RB. I actually thought about giving my priest an additional...
Hi there, today I played against ogres. I changed my list a little bit, I took out the terradons and filled up the saurus warriors up to 31...
OK guys, thanks a lot for your help so far. on thursday I probably have some time to try out the changes I made. The possible enemies are...
for 1k battleS?
enchanted shield that was the name! Yes thanks I took into account the army book price. I agree I had real bad luck last time. Only my chameleon...
Ok thx I got it. So if I leave the terradons at home and reduce the skirmisher units to 10 skinks each, I can take a champion for my saurus...
Hi guys, first off, THANKS A LOT for the replies! Very helpful.. I have a light Armour on my vet just forgot to place it in the list above :)...
Hi guys, not long ago I started playing my lizardmen army. My first army in the recent edition of whfb. So I have played 3 games with the list...
Nice Work!!!! Would you mind telling how you did the obsidian?! Best, G
Can you tell us, what tools you use(d) to get the fimo that smooth? A brush?
whos there? It's me, gewaltatron. I am a fairly new member in this forum. I am mainly a 40k player and haven't played WHFB for some time although...
I bought myself a box of saurus warriors some weeks ago and painted at least 10 models (some of them I even re-primed) to find a color scheme I...
I like this review very much. Agree with most of the statements. How about a review about the magic items from the rulebook? (in view of a...
iyaden darksun or tausept orche? or some orche from vallejo?
well, painting yellow is indeed not the easies color to start with. but there are some easy tricks. as mentioned, use a white undercoat. a...
maybe I am repeating but, I think TV is too distracting. Audio books and radio plays work perfect. if TV then maybe some concert or one of this...
There is no 'right' or 'wrong' way. First, always thin your paints down. The only exception maybe if your going to drybrush. The amount of water...