Yup, I've just added him to my list in my local Rise of Legends campaign and he wrecks face. Being able to cast celestial deliverance 3 times is...
Since those models were modelled for WFB, they would model them according, so there is no surprise they don't have both weapons. Yup. If you...
It probably is very much a marketing ploy to get you to buy multiple monster sets (ones that normally you would only ever buy two). GW is all...
1) If you read the Description for the skink priest it says some go to war with a cloak of feathers and Azyrite gem (which does the star bolts),...
The way you play it is absolutely correct. (I can't believe English Language As is actually being useful) Since the subject of the sentence is...
I play 40k as well as AoS and they both seem increasingly similar in mechanics. In 40k, you can place your units however you like as long as they...
AoS charging plays very similarly to 40k, where if you fail to charge you stay put. That becomes the penalty, because then the enemy can move...
I don't know if there is one, but there may be a rule out there that makes a unit take a battleshock test, and depending on whether they pass or...
I've never though to shooting like that but, now that you mention it and after reading the rules, I see where the confusion lies. In the rules, in...
I would say that it is not a battleshock test. As far as I've seen with AoS, it is completely a rules as written game (unlike 40k which is mixed)....
GW NEED to hire you to re-model the Kroxigor kits. That model of yours is absolutely divine. It is exactly how I picture Kroxigor should be. Keep...
Firstly, the spell is only to summon a unit, not teleport (so as suggested, a brand new unit is spawned on table). Secondly, to summon a unit you...
After a bit of research on real life reptile markings here are a couple of cool ones I've...
Hi there, After many years of 40k I've finally found the right time to dip my toes back into the realms of Warhammer again - what with AoS and...