Killed a skaven bsb with a saurus champ in a challenge yesterday... I did have wyssans up tho.
I believe they are resolved against the enemy character because the mount is in the challenge as well as your character. You would only get stomps...
flying salamander of doom on the flank sounds better than saurus.
With predatory fighter and frenzy and you win combat... you have no choice... There is no leadership test. You chase them or overrun... Any player...
Yes, I agree, w/o the frenzy banner, this unit has much more potential and a much less obvious weakness.
^this Actually, it is a HUGE liability when you HAVE to overrun. If you don't understand the way that chaff units lead frenzied units out of the...
find a way to take 2 ancient stegs. Also, i think you should have a bus unit of saurus that is 40 models. Saves pts on command and you might...
I wouldn't go that far... They are pickable army choices, just not optimal.
All you need to do is put the bsb on one of your carnosaur scarvets. 18" range helps a lot when you have an army that can be so spread out like that.
I agree, but we have so many other units that can deal with enemy units that don't sport lots of ranks. Lots of ranks are a large obstacle to...
The khorne cannon. 135/2 slaves worth of pts. Yea it is a beast. particularly dreadful for lizards to deal with. I played my demons vs lizards and...
If you lose 1 model in a 10man unit, you are only 1 rank anyway. It ain't worth **** to have 1 extra rank of 30pt models.
First off, anyone who sees rippers as a bigger threat than 500+ pts of saurus cav/characters must be friggen blind. Oh wait, I have to deal with...
Your oldblood build doesn't seem to contribute enough for 1500 pts imo. Seems like you have him built like you are fighting enemies in 2500pts. He...
you are still paying 30+ points for extra wounds... It isn't like they are inner circle knights with 1+ AS and only 1 attack per rider/mount. You...
Spears are the way to go if you have the ranks to use em. I'm a fan of 36 6x6 saurus with spears. There are too many things that get around parry...
3 camo skinks units... This is not a beginner list. You need more meat in your army. Lizardmen is a very forgiving army. If you make a mistake,...
way too many points in characters. Drop some magic items. You don't need an engine of the gods with only 1 skink priest. You have two spells......
Cold one riders are a waste of points if they are in two ranks. It is too expensive to pay for the models in the second rank just so they can...
I'm really looking forward to running a carnosaur; however, I think an oldblood is a better rider. I like the 18" ld range. He will be great on...