I don't think razordons will put out the numbers you think they will. Salamanders are still better because they can put the hurtin' on ranked...
The most common use I've seen is to use them like an unkillable DE dreadlord. Give the "cowboy" a 1+ rerollable armor save and the CC. Hold up a...
yup. wildform + saurus = cure-all. Alternatively, you could give him 2 stegs to the face next time.
Ok, so spend those lord points... while you could otherwise be sitting on bastilidon and lvl 1 skink priest points. They cost less, are more...
You think that rule is annoying? Try reading the Daemons of Chaos army book :rage:
Buy the new army book. I'll give you a reading assignment. Read pages 30, 44 and 45. Refer to 92 and 94 for stats and pt costs. Screw it, read the...
That str 10 attack only comes when the enemy is in the rear, as far as I know. So you've got to combat reform for that, not a given with Ld 6......
Closest thing we have to a cannon is a Boosted Amber Spear from a skink priest. Next, I think "solardon" is better. I agree, against regen, this...
You'd have better luck with a unit of 6 sallies/razordons with wyssans wildform or a bastilidon with wildform. If you plan on skinks being able to...
+1 And thank you sir for the backup.
The point is... A bastilidon isn't scary, 2 might be concerning when you have few dispel dice. It is one of the least threatening things to deal...
So you think your opponent doesn't have the balls to roll a 3+ with one d6? That is what makes the bastilidon uber cool? If you rolled a 6 and he...
why would they need 2 dice to dispel? Where does it say that they don't get a caster bonus to dispel?
I like both bastilidon variants. They have a role to play in some lists but they are not exceptional. Their upside is that they are a cheap...
How bout wyssans wildform on ripperdactyls.. That'd be pretty dirty.
Idk, the troglodon is kind of a butterface.
You see how I was giving examples of other monster choices and rare units that compete for the same points as the troglodon, the genesis for the...
The title of the thread says "This is why its great" I'm not convinced that the trog is great at all. At best, he is mediocre. For the cost of...
For the $ price... I think you'd have more fun with a carnosaur. The Trog is situational and unreliable in CC. The shooting attack isn't half...