A skink list needs monster support.
open your rulebook, go to the index, look up "multiple wounds", it is in the special rules section. It should explain everything. Also look up the...
That's why loping stride is so good.
Also, the steg horn helm + p-blade stack. So your guy gets d3 impact hits that do d3 wounds. Seems like you are going all out offense with him not...
Loping strides... You gotta make those long charges. If your carno gets charged by a unit of knights... bye bye. If your carno charges a unit of...
Ah, darn bastilidons not stacking. How do you guys feel about the troglodon? It seems like he is best fit for a saurus heavy list.
This is still going on? PF applies to all models in the unit, GW said it themselves in the e-mail that guy received on page 3 of this thread. Any...
Rippers will be exceptional at dealing with small units of knights. Specifically empire and bretonian knights, because they can attack first. As...
There lies the difficulty of actually pulling off the tactic.. Assuming that your opponent will not deny you such an easy opportunity and that the...
Yea, you are wrong. Without a doubt, all ranks of saurus that can attack (spears, supporting, horde), benefit from PF. This shouldn't be a...
Seems like it but, swarms are just bleeding combat res and points that could be better spent else where. Unless you build bastilidons around your...
Sup, Monster Mash ideas. Here is a simple one off the top of my head. 2250 pts Old one on carnosaur Magic items. Scar vet bsb on carnosaur...
When you use poisoned attacks in CC do you think you get poison on a 5+ with +1 to hit? Lol, +1 to hit doesn't help with predator fighter. If...
Re: Caneghem's Review of the New Lizardmen! This question over PF supporting and spear attacks has a clear answer. Your supporting attacks...
I'm thinking of a krox dual kit with a new type of monsterous infantry. Krox need command models too.
Yes I was referring to SoM, it could be a precedent. As for the EotG, in my meta we play that large targets are visible unless they are...
So 30 points for a flying unit of redirectors and you complain? I hope they stick with that in the new book, it is a huge improvement. Lizards...
They should be flying skunks so that they can crop dust enemy units like hexwraiths and screamers! Lol Trolling aside. I expect terradons to...
I think lizards need a good balance and hopefully some more colorful army options. They seem kinda dull. There will probably be a few good...
Don't get me wrong, MC is on my wishlist too.. but do lizards really need it? I'm not so sure. There are larger holes to fill in the lizard army...