The Palanquin rule is on page 31. It means that he is not a model on foot. This makes sense because he is floating on a big palanquin. The Arabyan...
The Palanquin rule says that the slann is never considered a model on foot for the purposes of spells or magic items. The Arabyan Carpet requires...
This is not an entirely correct interpretation either, as the Egg does not make impact hits. The Egg is cracked at the start of combat, which is...
The Egg affects an enemy unit in contact with the bearer or his unit. It's hits are resolved against the unit and would not specifically target...
It is still playable, but the crown of command doesn't work anymore because the Slann is now unstable. You will need to ensure that he doesn't...
Impact hits affect the unit, so they don't get lost in the challenge. You lose the thunderstomp in the challange if you kill the champ before the...
Your mathematical argument is much more convincing than the character on ridden monster argument. Although there is still a question of...
The Howdah Crew and monster are treated as a single model, as per the Howdah Crew rule on p.45. The Unstoppable Stampede rule on p.45 says that a...
The new army book for Dark Elves is coming out soon and rumoured to be changing the Regeneration on the Hydra into a rule similar to that of the...
The Hunted's list is a fairly standard looking template to start with, although it needs more core for a 2500. ;) Take a look at the tactica...
I like the list. If your opponent is planning on bringing a Daemon Prince or a character with a 3++ ward, then you should bring the Other...
A Slann BSB can have magic items and a magic banner. A Scar-vet BSB can either have magic items or a magic banner. His BSB does not have a magic...
Re: A compilation of ways to fight cannons/minimize risk? There is an advantage against a shot form the front, your math looks good. Also, there...
Re: A compilation of ways to fight cannons/minimize risk? This is the main point. You will only save the 2 inches if the cannon is directly in...
Re: A compilation of ways to fight cannons/minimize risk? I really don't think this actually makes a difference. As a dwarf player, I can tell...
Check out the tactica for dealing with cannons:...
I agree with you Matt. I think that the wording of Devastating Charge in the Rule Book combined with the wording in the Army book makes it pretty...
Don't forget about the Choppa rule, which gives your Black Orcs str7 GW's on the first round of combat. They are one of only a few units in the...
Re: A compilation of ways to fight cannons/minimize risk? Good diagram. Yes, that is basically what I mean. Obviously, you left those chameleons...
Re: A compilation of ways to fight cannons/minimize risk? When you deploy scouts they can either deploy 12 inches from the enemy anywhere on the...