Just out of the Australian army, now going to uni to do engineering.
Hey Everyone, Just thought i would put this little guy up and see what peoples thoughts were. The shield took me ages as I wanted to get it...
Re: does anybody ealse want a custom Avatar ? Thanks heaps man that looks totally wicked, thanks. Just what I was thinking of. :D
Re: does anybody ealse want a custom Avatar ? I was hoping if you could make me something like Kcibrihp-Esurc carno except blue/black, still with...
Also always look at your scar-vet and see if its better to make a challange or just hit the unit, yes saurus can be weak and lose a fare few guys...
I see what your talking about but it says he replaces one of the crew not becomes one of the crew. its understandable that he replaces one of the...
Personally I think priests are awesome, the main thing is they are so cheap so you can lose them if necessary, last game I played turn 2, my skink...
That's a decent list. Your best option would be to try and have a few games with it before the tournament, see what the best tactics are for...
Do you have any photos for them and how much for them together or separated?? I cant PM you as I haven't been on here enough.
Hey everyone, I've recently started playing WHFB after many years of WH40k ., and decided to go with Lizardmen since the LIZARDMEN are awesome....