Ouch, that is not the sort of list I would want to field against Daemons. Basically nothing you have can threaten the Bloodthirster and the...
If money is tight, shop on ebay instead of at a GW store. If money is tight, do not waste it on Saurus or skink character models. Take...
Re: Hypothetical new book change: More Equipent for Sauri? That is easy to fix - allow the Slann to be placed anywhere in the unit, and he can...
Re: Hypothetical new book change: More Equipent for Sauri? Absolutely. Same reason spears are generally a bad weapon for almost every unit -...
You've answered your own question. The rules that apply are the ones listed. Plus poison, from the Jungle poisons rule.
Why not just take skirmishers? Why would you expect it to hold against much? With only 3 ranks before casualties, it will rarely be Steadfast,...
Re: Hypothetical new book change: More Equipent for Sauri? If they don't cost the same, someone in GW design is an idiot. Oh wait ... Two hand...
The Skavenpelt banner is a bad idea that makes little difference. Firstly, the zombie or skeleton block will only be 5 wide, so the edges of the...
There is almost no reason to buy that many disciplines on a Slann, and almost no Slann spends his full magic item allotment. Yet you left off the...
no such rule exists
Yes. The Attacks stat is only for close combat.
Priest is illegal for two arcane items. Not entirely sure why you have him at all though. Since you didn't take Cupped Hands, the Slann could...
Sure. That is the main reason to take it. But none of this listed enemies are VC, so ethereal troops aren't present.
Scar-vets are pretty good heroes. With a little bit of upgrades, they can be quite tough to kill, and they hit decently hard. The one you posted...
Yes. Unless otherwise stated, all shooting suffers the normal modifiers. Any movement is -1 to hit. How the movement is accomplished does not...
Generally I would not take a scar-vet on foot, and the first equipment to give them is defensive stuff. I would also say that more strength is...
For the most part, the units are just too small. 18 Saurus is usually too small to be useful, and giving them spears is completely wasted points...
I seriously think 10 TG is more a deathtrap than a bodyguard. They are just too easy to kill at that small size.
I see no point to ethereal inside a TG unit. 3 more TG will usually be better. Magic resistance is rarely worth having at all, but if you really...
I'd stick with one Slann and a Carnosaur. Never tried dual Slann because I always like one expensive guy. I'd skip Engines as well, since I like...