Purely for experimentation, taking both a wizard and a scar-vet makes sense, but I'm not convinced you will find both effective. Basically you...
How many points is this? 1500? Those armies look small for 2k+. If he has anti-magic, he must have a runesmith or two in his list as well....
Agreed. I think blowpipes are better, and the javelin+shield is definitely NOT worth more points!
As always, what are the details? What works in your army and what doesn't? What enemy units wreck you and what can you handle?
I never noticed that about Venom. I still say the chief is not close to being worthwhile, but at least that is interesting.
I don't know what you are thinking here. The chief only has 3 close combat attacks or 2 shooting attacks, and no re-rolls for anything. Venom is...
I don't see much value to being ethereal inside Temple Guard. I'd rather buy 3 more TG instead. Not a good build. Venom does literally nothing,...
Don't take an item just because the item is generally good. Take the item because it helps accomplishes something you deem useful. For example,...
The simplest source for publication dates is Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warhammer_Army_Book
You'll normally get 4d6+3 shots on stand-and-shoot. The extra 3 is the other three crew with javelins. Hitting on 6s for poison autowound, so...
It's certainly worth the cost when you don't have another enchanted item ... except you have another enchanted item. I think the frenzy would not...
I would get Dawnstone on the Engine Priest, as it might keep him alive another turn or 2. And I would never buy the Talisman of Protection for...
You should never "slide". That word appears nowhere in the rules, nor does any wording to suggest doing it. The rules suggest making various...
Nope. That was true in 7th, but not in 8th edition. A unit with one or more frenzied models may be forced to charge, but the character would...
Correct. No stomping SKrox. So they are even better against monsters. Lots of new players do Vortexes wrong. It starts in base contact with the...
Generally I suggest posting a list, getting some feedback, revising, and then playing that list several times. If it isn't going well, look at...
Life comes with miscast protection, so you can do without Cupped Hands. More spells (either Loremaster or Plaque of Tepok) is much more...
Drop the mundane shield and take the Charmed Shield. Generally I would upgrade the Stegadon to an Ancient and max out the size of your SKrox...
There should be a lot of negativity about the TK army. Likely the weakest book out there, certainly the weakest released in 8th. Their troops...
I found one of the big problems with Shadow was that its two main hexes are remains in play. That means if combat is happening in the enemy turn...